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Terms Of Use: Get Rishta Matrimonial Service

You must register as a member on Get Rishta. The Member using this matrimonial website must agree to be bound by these Terms of Use ("Agreement").

Eligibility. To register as a member of or to use this matrimonial website, you must be of legal marriageable age as per the laws of Pakistan. Current law pertaining to this states that you must be 18 years or over for females and male

Cancellation:Get Rishta reserves the right in it's sole discretion to review each account & block the account of a member based on such review. Similary Get Rishta reserves the right to activate or deactivate any account.

Purpose: By signing up, you agree that you will not use this website for purpose other than matrimonial purpose. This website CAN NOT be used for direct or indirect goals of dating, financial aids, data gathering, employments etc.

Confidentiality: By joining this website, you legally give us the permission to forward 

Right of service: Get Rishta reserves the right to decide the status of each account & block the account of a member based on its finding which may or may not be correct at that time.

Copyright Policy: You cannot post, distribute or reproduce in any way any material, trademarks or propertietry information without obtaining our consent in writing.

- is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information on a listing. 
- will NOT be responsible for any loss or damage from anyone's use of website. 
- All liability including civil or criminal arising out of this Site will be of that Member who posted the profile.